this blog is brought to you by spruce. we are a team of professional organizers in the san francisco bay area. you've hit the spot for tips, opinions and views into the glamorous world of professional organizing. for more information about our work check out our website .

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

where in the world are the spruce girls?

if you listen closely you might just hear a flurry of backpacks being zipped, pencil cases packed, and apples shined--ah, it's back to school!

last month, the spruce girls were on campus for a little summer school of our own. the assignment: a school office that was far from making the grade.

after many afternoons of playground paper tackling, this office is an A+++.

want to see how it turned out? stay tuned for the full story, coming soon in case studies: the case of the avalanche of paper.
find all our case studies on our website,

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